Sunday, 27 September 2015

The Face


FACIAL EXPRESSIONS - To move our in a look of disgust or longing requires us to contract MUSCLES
Our face, pretty or not, is shaped by both our bony skull AND the muscles under our ever wrinkling skin.  Here are a few of the main ones...

Occiptal Frontalis 
This is the muscle which allows your to raise your eyebrows!
Note; it has 4 bellies not just one. The muscle thins into a fibirous layer known as aponeurosis as it stretch over the scalp.

The area where Loreal Paris have been targeting for years - over use causes crows feet!
This muscle is anchored by the medial palpebral ligament - a ridge you can feel from eyelid to nose!
Two parts: Palpebral- circles eyelid & gently shuts the eye, used by drozy toddlers.
 Orbital- circles up toward the eyebrow (aka supracilary arch) & forcefully closes the eye in response to projectile vomit.

Orbicularis Oris 
The zoolander muscle that gets a pout picture perfect or whistle at a hottie.
Originates from the maxilla bone, and some surrounding smaller muscles of the face - including buccinator.
Inserts onto the skin and internal membrane of the lips.Twittwoooo

When you huff and puff to exhale air you use this
Originates at the back of the mouth  beside your molar teeth down along the ptergomandibular raphe and the fibres head forward to insert on to the lips and orbiculair oris.